Recommend Nokia Belle Updates to your friends
Update: Now you can hack your Symbian Smart Phone to remove certificate errors and enable installation of unsigned applications or games without cer & key via Norton Symbian Hack.

Saturday, 30 June 2012

How to hack Official Nokia Belle with Norton - Full tutorial

1. Download package Hacked belle offical in below.. and copy all files to phone memory or memory card.

2.Find and install "NortonSymbianHackLDD.sis". (Copied in step 1)

3.After Installed, Launch it. Options -> select Anti-Virus -> select Quarantine list

5.Then select options -> restore (or restore all ). Then click yes.

6.After completing step 5, If you don't use it (Norton), you can delete it from App manager

7.Find and install "RomPatcherPlus_3.1_LiteVersion.sisx" (Copied in step 1)

8.Launch ROMPatcher.
After launch it, you apply the second patch (click the blue circle)
- Open4all.rmp
- Installserver.rmp
as one by the press Options -> Add to auto

9.Find & Install xplore (copied in step 1)

10.Launch xplore. Press Menu -> tools -> Choose 2 line: show systems file and show hiden file.
Then find installserver.exe (copied in step 1). Use xplore copy paste it to c/sys/bin.

11.Restart the phone

Click below to download :

Hacked belle offical 



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